Resultados: 3

Benefícios da presença do acompanhante no processo de parto e nascimento: revisão integrativa

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 9 (), 2019
Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas acerca dos benefícios da presença do acompanhante no processo de parto e nascimento. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura realizada no mês de abril de 2018, nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS),...

Reasons for women's autonomous actions in the childbirth process: an understanding based on social phenomenology

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe women's autonomous actions during childbirth and to understand their reasons. Method: qualitative research designed through social phenomenology premises. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with 15 postpartum women hospitalized at a hospital's rooming-in setting ...

Evaluation of the health attention to pregnant women with HIV: comparison between primary and specialized service

ABSTRACT The public network for health care of pregnant women with HIV, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, includes primary and specialized care services. Objective: Evaluating whether the type of service interferes in the quality score of the health care in the experience of the pregnant women w...